Special Prize Award Caisse des Dépôts


DIGITAL TER-X 2050 project has received the Special Prize Award from the TechSprint challenge as a lighthouse project accelerating the ecological and energy transition.

Under the impulse of christophe CASTAING, DIGITAL TER-X 2050 aims at creating European Data Spaces for exchanging #territories and #cities data, based on Gaia-X de facto standards and standards developed by the #Construction ecosystem. Digital TER-X 2050 will ensure the adoption of a transparent data-driven approach for CO2 reduction by leveraging digital twins.

Construction is yet another sector embracing the value of data exchange to foster a dynamic, sovereign and powerful industry! Dawex is engaged with the data community to foster powerful and impactful data ecosystems, data intermediaries and data spaces where organizations will be able to share and distribute data in a trusted, secure & compliant data exchange environment while remaining in control over their data.